In Sedation Dentistry

Everyone loves a good and appealing smile, but few are willing to make an appointment with the modern-day “tooth fairy.” It is a known fact that most people dread visiting the dentist because they are afraid of pain which is usually associated with having their teeth removed. That is no longer a problem, since sedation dentistry has altered most people’s perception of a dentist. Sedation dentistry is the process that uses sedation to relieve pain and stress during a dental procedure.

Experts use three methods to ensure you are as comfortable and relaxed as possible. However, dental history and other medical-related considerations determine the most appropriate method for every patient.

•    Laughing gas

This is a common method where dentists use nitrous oxide to help patients with a phobia of “the chair.” Again, both adults and children can be viable candidates because it is safe and fast to wear off.

You can get back to work, and kids can go back to school after the appointment. In addition, laughing gas carries the least amount of risks compared to other sedation methods.

•    Oral Sedation

A dentist usually prescribes the medication required for oral sedation for safety purposes since its effects make patients drowsy. It is always advisable to have someone drive you to and from the dentist due to the effects of the medication. In addition, patients are often advised against performing rigorous or complex tasks while under the influence of sedatives.

•    IV Sedation

If you are undergoing a serious procedure, this method is the most effective since it provides a constant flow of the medication. In addition, once an IV line is inserted in your arm, you can relax knowing you are in safe hands.  IV Sedation should only be administered by a trained professional capable of monitoring your vitals and ensuring all is well.

If you have any queries or suggestions, you can contact us at Westmoreland Dental Group and talk to a team of dental experts at (423) 282-2844.

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