What are Mini Dental Implants?
The Mini Dental Implant System consists of a miniature titanium implant that acts like the root of your tooth and a retaining fixture that is incorporated into the base of your denture. The head of the implant is shaped like a ball, and the retaining fixture acts like a socket that contains a rubber O-ring. The O-ring snaps over the ball when the denture is seated and holds the denture at a predetermined level of force. When seated, the denture gently rests on the gum tissue. The implant fixtures allow for micro-mobility while withstanding natural lifting forces.
How does Mini Dental Implant Technology Broaden My Options?
Dental Implant therapy has been one of the most significant advances in dentistry in the past 25 years. Tens of thousands of grateful patients bear witness to the benefits derived from the opportunity to obtain a replacement for lost teeth that restores their smiles and confidence. Several different types of implants and restorations are available. The choice depends upon the amount of bone available, the patient’s general health and restoration preference.
The computer and medical worlds are both working hard to develop smaller and smaller components. In similar fashion, a smaller version of the dental implant has been successfully utilized in selected cases. These mini dental implants (1.8 mm in diameter) enable Dr. Westmoreland to broaden the spectrum. The Mini Dental Implant System was developed in order to provide greater denture stability. MDI’s are for those who do not have enough bone to allow for full sized implants to be placed for conventional implant surgery, or are in on-going therapy from one prosthetic denture system to another.
How are Mini Dental Implants Placed?
Placement of the implants is accomplished quickly and easily in a process performed in Dr. Westmoreland’s office, with local anesthesia or a light sedation to help make you more comfortable. Using a precise, controlled, minimally invasive surgical technique, Mini Dental Implants are placed into the jawbone. The heads of the implants protrude from the gum tissue and provide a strong, solid foundation for securing your dentures. It is a one-step procedure that involved minimally invasive surgery, no sutures nor the typical months of healing.
I've been told by my dentist that my jaw bone is not "dense." Is this a problem with Mini Dental Implants? Will a dentist be able to get a rock-solid resistance state in such a situation?
After utilizing the standard Mini Dental Implants in his practice, Dr. Bulard quickly anticipated this type of dental patient, and as a result, took steps to expand IMTEC Corporation’s original production offering to provide a MAX Mini Dental Implant. Equipped with the same dimensions as the standard ones, the MAX implant has a different thread design that enables it to bite into softer bone and hold. It’s ideal for a patient whose bone density is lacking.
What about failures with Mini Dental Implants?
It must be recognized that all implant systems as well as natural teeth are subject to potential failure due to natural causes, including osteoporosis, poor oral hygiene, wear and tear attrition, poor health, heavy, stressful biting habits, and lack of follow-up dental maintenance care. Mini implants similarly do not carry any actual or implied guarantee as to longevity. However, the loss of a Mini Dental Implant is a far less critical event to the patient since it may be replaced at relatively minimal cost compared to conventional implants, and with minimal associated bone or gum deterioration.
How are Mini Dental Implants different?
As a revolutionary departure from routine dental implant methods, Mini Dental Implants are so narrow they are typically inserted directly through the overlying gum tissue and into the bone underneath. Consequently the need to surgically cut and “flap” open the gum tissue, routinely required for standard implant systems, is avoided in most Mini Dental Implant applications. As a result, post-insertion patient irritation and soreness is significantly reduced. While all dental implants require care during insertion to avoid encroaching on vulnerable nerve, sinus or bony structures, the ultra small width of the mini implants offers a much more comfortable margin of safety.
What type surgery is involved with Mini Dental Implants?
A single, minimally invasive surgery is needed for insertion of the Mini Dental Implants. The implants are then put into immediate biting or “loading” function thanks to their “self-tapping” design, thereby anchoring a fixed bridge system. As a result, it is often possible to provide the complete mini implant service in a single office visit. Mini dental implants clearly represent an enormous breakthrough for the dental implant specialty as the most patient-friendly, cost-effective, proven dental implant system available today.
What will my first day be like with Mini Dental Implants?
Leave the denture in place until bedtime. You should not experience any excessive bleeding. There will be some mild discomfort but this should be minimal and controlled by recommended pain medication. The denture should feel secure. You may eat as soon as you wish to avoid excessively hard or sticky foods at first. Upon removing the denture, rinse your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash and carefully clean around each implant fixture with a cotton swab and toothpaste. Use a cotton swab for three days. After that, use your ACCESS toothbrush. It has been specially designed to clean your implants and gently stimulate the surrounding gum tissue.
How do I place and remove my dentures?
The Mini Dental Implants and O-ring fixture must be clean and free from debris. Grasp the denture with both hands and lightly seat the denture, feeling that the O-rings are resting above the ball head of the implants, then press down firmly and equally on both sides. Make sure that you feel the implant heads easily fitting each O-ring. You will feel the denture snap into place. If you have trouble seating your denture, first make sure the implants and your denture are absolutely clean. Secondly, make sure that you push downward equally on both sides. If you are still experiencing difficulty, see if a family member can give you assistance. To remove the denture, place your thumbs under each side of the lower denture rim and gently push both sides upward at the same time.
What's a typical daily routine one might expect once the Mini Dental Implants have been placed?
As with all dental applications, there’s a short adjustment period during which time you become comfortable placing and removing the denture. Typically, this involves removal of the lower denture in the morning, brushing the gums and implant area with an ACCESS curved bristle toothbrush, rinsing the mouth, rinsing the denture itself, then replacing it.
You must clean and brush the ball of the implant as if they were your natural teeth. As with natural teeth food and bacterial debris must be removed or inflammation of the gums will occur. In addition, food and debris can be forced into the O-ring fixture causing improper seating and loss of retention. The O-ring fixture must also be cleaned out.
The result is a normal day’s activity for you, including eating, talking, taking a nap, etc. Then, in the evening, the denture is usually removed again, the ACCESS brush is used, and the mouth thoroughly rinsed. The result is a fully functioning dental appliance that works.
I've heard that standard dental implants are quite expensive. What about Mini Dental Implants?
Mini Dental Implants are surprisingly affordable, and are usually available at a fraction of the cost of traditional implants. By choosing the MDI, you’ve chosen an enhanced way of life free of a lot of the discomforts and heartaches of a loose or ill-fitting denture. That’s worth a lot.