In Dental Hygiene

The dentist’s office can be a scary place for some people. You might have a fear of pain or even a horror story due to a previous dental experience. If you are nervous about your appointment, knowing what will happen may calm your fear. You can feel prepared when walking into the office. We have created an outline of what happens when you visit a dentist for the first time!


A dental hygienist will meet you at the door and direct you towards their chair. You will be spending most of your time with the dental hygienist rather than the doctor. Think of hygienists as your nurse while they guide you through your appointment. If you have never been to this dentist before, it is likely they will want to take x-rays of your teeth. X-rays allow the doctor to see the inside of your mouth in further detail and to have for comparison in the future. Dental x-rays do not hurt. They will place a mat on your chest, sunglasses on, and you will bite on a small metal plate. While you are biting down, the hygienist will capture an x-ray of your teeth. This typically takes five to ten minutes at most. Once you complete this, you are on to the next thing!


Following your welcome and possible x-rays, the hygienist will take a look at your teeth. This allows them to see what your teeth look like before they begin cleaning. He or she will begin by using a small tool to scrape the plaque or tartar off your teeth. Plaque is the pale yellow film that forms on your teeth over time. Tartar is a stain on your teeth that only dental tools can remove. This does not hurt. Hygienists are trained on how to clean your teeth without hurting your mouth or gums. He or she will follow with brushing your teeth. They have special toothbrushes that allow them to get into small spaces in your teeth! This feels the same as when you brush your teeth at home, so expect no pain at all. The very last thing the hygienist will do is floss your teeth. This may be a little uncomfortable if you do not floss regularly and do not be alarmed if your gums bleed a little. After this, it is time for the dentist!

Dentist Visit

Your dentist will come after your cleaning has finished. He or she’s job is to check your teeth. Your dentist may ask you questions about your previous dental history if this is your first visit. This will give him or her an adequate understanding of your mouth. Dentists typically ask their patients to open wide, bite down in certain areas, and smile. This gives the opportunity to see your teeth and make sure everything looks good!

Following your appointment, you may be asked to make a 6 month to a year appointment in advance. This typically is up to you whether to say yes or no. Once you have made it this far, your appointment is officially over!

If you are in need of a new dentist or had a bad dental experience check us out at Westmoreland Dental. We pride ourselves on our excellent customer service and individualized dental plans. At Westmoreland, you can count on the best dental and patient care in Tennessee. For more information visit us online here today or give us a call at (423) 282-2844.

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