In TMJ & Migraine Therapy

At Westmoreland Dental Group, care is not restricted to just teeth! One of our unique services is providing relief for people suffering from temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) pain and chronic migraines.

Understanding the Treatment

Like migraines, TMJ Disorders can be caused by a variety of factors, not limited to genetic diseases or trauma. On occasion, physical therapy or medication is not enough to eliminate symptoms. For people who can no longer rely on these methods, Botox is a safe alternative.

Botox has traditionally been thought of as a non-essential, cosmetic product, but researchers now believe that the use of botox can alleviate facial pain. Botox, a derivative of the botulinum toxin, blocks nerve impulses to the muscles, and in small doses, can have therapeutic effects. In 2010, the FDA approved its use as a treatment for migraines. However, it was already being used as an alternative to treating cerebral palsy, a type of disease that can affect neurological function.

Treatment Process

The overall process will only take a few minutes. First, an injection of Lidocaine, a type of anesthesia, will numb the areas of concern. Following that will be an injection of botox. That will conclude the treatment at the visit. At home, the patient will be instructed to use an NTI, which is a specialized mouth guard to use at night.

Botox is not a permanent solution. The body eventually eliminates traces of botox, so multiple treatments may be required. Each injection is good for up to 3 months. With following visits, muscles can be retrained to relax again, and pain in treated areas should be resolved for longer periods of time.

Contact Us

If you are interested in learning more about our treatments for TMJ and Chronic Migraines, one of our specialists will assist you in understanding the process and whether or not this may be a good idea for your particular situation. To learn more, contact us at Westmoreland Dental Group!

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