In TMJ & Migraine Therapy

If you are experiencing persistent pain in the jaw area and/or headaches, it’s possible your symptoms stem from a TMJ disorder. In this post, we’ll provide a description of TMJ and its associated symptoms, as well as dentistry options that are available to diagnose and eliminate painful TMJ symptoms.

What is TMJ?

TMJ stands for “temporomandibular joint.” The temporomandibular joint is a hinge joint that connect a person’s jaw to their skull. The joint is one of the most complex joints in the body. It is responsible for both up and down (chewing) motions, and side-to-side jaw motions as well. A TMJ disorder can result from several illnesses including:

  • Infection
  • Arthritis
  • An injury from an accident, blow to the head, etc.
  • Persistent grinding or clenching of the jaw during sleep
  • An autoimmune illness
  • Environmental causes (e.g, playing a violin)
  • Dental surgery
  • Cervical issues


A person with a TMJ disorder is likely to experience a myriad of symptoms including first and foremost, pain, especially on each side of the face where the TMJ hinge is located. A general achiness can also be experienced throughout the mouth, in both the lower and upper gum/teeth areas. A person with TMJ may also experience earaches, (rear) neck pain, as well as headaches or migraines.

Pain may come and go throughout the day, with those whose TMJ disorder is a result of grinding or clenching their teeth during sleep, likely experiencing the most jaw pain and headache discomfort upon rising in the morning.

How Dentistry Can Help

A thorough exam by a qualified dentist can help discover the underlying cause of a patient’s symptoms. Once they know what is causing a patient’s discomfort, they can either address issues such as an infection or an issue with a previous dental surgery, or they may refer their patient to additional medical sources in order to address their autoimmune illness or cervical issues.

For patients who suffer from arthritis or bruxism (teeth grinding), a dentist may decide to administer a Botox injection. In 2011, the FDA approved Botox injections for the treatment of pain and chronic headaches associated with TMJ. A Botox injection can last up to 3 months, providing patients with much-needed pain relief, so they can sleep comfortably at night and function without pain during the day.

If you would like more information on how we may be able to help with your jaw and headache pain, please contact us.

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