In TMJ Laser Treatment

How Can I Stop the Pain of TMJ

If you are experiencing jaw pain that is affecting your quality of life, you might be dealing with a TMJ condition. The pain can be debilitating and can even extend into a migraine headache. Westmoreland Dental Group can provide you with options to help you get rid of your TMJ pain.

What is TMJ?

The term TMJ refers to conditions and disorders of the temporomandibular joint and its associated muscles that cause pain both in the muscles that control the movement of the jaw as well as the jaw joint itself. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) dental and cranial division TMJ disorders fall into one of three categories, although the pain might come from more than one condition. These categories are:

  • Myofascial pain in the form of pain in the muscles responsible for normal jaw function
  • Injury to the jaw joint, such as a dislocated jaw
  • Arthritis in the jaw joint itself

Symptoms of TMJ

There are several different symptoms of TMJ, and the condition can be different for each patient. Some patients may experience pain that is severe enough to trigger migraine headaches. The most common symptoms of TMJ include:

  • Pain in the jaw joint
  • Pain in the muscles used for chewing
  • Pain that radiates from the jaw to the face or neck
  • Stiffness in the jaw muscles
  • Limited movement or a locking sensation in the jaw
  • A popping or clicking sound in the jaw joint with accompanying pain
  • Changes in how your upper and lower teeth are aligned to each other

How is TMJ Diagnosed?

In order to find the cause of your TMJ pain, your dentist or doctor will start by discussing your medical history. They will gently examine your jaw and take some x-rays or possibly order a CT scan. Since TMJ can be difficult to diagnose, much of the diagnostic process involves ruling out various medical conditions or injuries.

Treatment of Pain of TMJ

TMJ is usually pretty easily treated through self-care, medication, or a revolutionary new treatment process using a combination of medication and diode lasers.


In many cases, TMJ will reverse itself with some easy self-care options, including:

  • Soft foods
  • Ice packs
  • Avoiding hard foods and chewing gum
  • Keeping jaw movements to a minimum
  • Avoid stress
  • Gently exercising your jaw through slow stretching movements

Medications and Devices for the Pain of TMJ

If your pain continues, your doctor may choose to have you take medication or use a device to improve your TMJ pain, including:

  • Over-the-counter ibuprofen
  • Muscle relaxers
  • Corticosteroid medication
  • Bite guard to keep you from grinding your teeth

Dental Intervention

Here at Westmoreland Dental Group, Dr. Westmoreland has had repeated success through TMJ laser treatment. This innovative option includes a series of trigger point injections with botox and/or lidocaine in addition to a laser. The Epic X Diode Laser focuses pulses of high-intensity light at a radio frequency wavelength. When the doctor applies the laser to the painful muscles in the affected areas. The light pulses help increase circulation to the affected area. Patients report that the pain is usually better within a day, and the range of motion to the jaw is quickly restored.

If you would like to have your TMJ pain checked or discuss the possibility of the TMJ laser treatment option, contact us today for more information.

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