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Soft-tissue lasers have revolutionized chairside dental treatment, enabling dental professionals to perform procedures with greater accuracy while dramatically improving healing times. Dental lasers have been shown to produce superior results consistently. Let’s talk about what soft tissue laser dentistry is.

What Is Soft Tissue Laser Dentistry?

Dental professionals use a few different types of lasers. Two of the most common are hard tissue lasers used to treat enamel and tooth structures and soft tissue lasers used for gingiva, mucosal tissues, and other soft tissue problems. Additionally, the lasers vary in the type of light technology used.

Benefits Of Soft Tissue Laser Dentistry

Technology has improved many dental procedures. Among the types of new technology available is the use of soft tissue lasers. Soft tissue lasers offer several benefits over traditional dental procedures.

Less Pain And Shorter Recovery Period

The FDA first approved lasers for dental procedures in 1990, and since then, many practitioners have incorporated this technology, producing superior results in common procedures. Lasers help to put patients at ease, reduce bleeding, and shorten post-treatment recovery. Dental lasers have gained popularity because they eliminate most of the damage to healthy tissue adjacent to the treated area.

Soft Tissue Lasers Are Versatile

Soft tissue lasers are incredibly versatile and suitable for use with a variety of procedures. Lasers eliminate the need for painful drilling methods and save money by eliminating the need for costly and sometimes dangerous anesthesia.

Elimination Of Bacteria

Another significant benefit of soft tissue lasers is that they eliminate potentially dangerous bacteria. Periodontal disease is a serious problem that increases an individual’s risk of significant health concerns such as kidney failure, stroke, and heart attack. Laser bacterial removal enables dentists to eliminate pockets of periodontal disease, which cause the growth of bacteria, without using painful traditional methods that cause swelling and bleeding.

Visit The Westmoreland Dental Group

If you are considering soft tissue laser treatment or wondering if you are a good candidate, our team of professionals at Westmoreland Dental Group can help. Our staff is both knowledgeable and experienced with soft tissue laser treatments and can answer your questions and provide you with the compassionate care you need. To learn more about soft tissue laser procedures, contact us today.

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