In Our Technology, Services

At Westmoreland Dental we offer a variety of services to meet each patients’ needs. Our mission is to provide excellent dental care and individualized treatment plans for all our patients. Your needs are our priority. Not only do we offer different services, but we have state of the art technology as well. Between our technology, team, and care our patients will leave happy and healthy after a visit with us. Here is why!

Dental Services

1. General dentistry 

Our dentist and staff are highly-trained in general dentistry practices. Not only do we provide adult services, but children as well. We are a one-stop-shop for your family’s dental needs. Some of our services include but are not limited to, cleanings, crowns, bridges, basic oral surgery, and dental implants.

2. Sedation Dentistry

This type of dentistry is not offered at every dental office. Our staff and doctor pursued extra training for this service. We offer sedation to relax anxious patients. Patients are not fully under but have no recollection of the visit. As a result, the visit goes over well and patients feel better.

3. Invisalign

Looking for a straighter smile without using braces? We can help! Invisalign straightens the patient’s teeth without the use of braces! Our advanced imagining technology projects future tooth movement. An aligner is then created and switched out as your teeth move.

4. TMJ and Migraine Therapy

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint syndrome, which is a common reason for a dental visit. At Westmoreland, we offer TMJ and migraine therapy to stop jaw pain in its tracks. We do this by utilizing Botox injections that work up to three months. Botox blocks nerve signals that cause muscle movement and relaxes them.

5. TMJ Laser Treatment

Another option for TMJ relief is laser treatment. Our laser uses pulses of high-intensity light to stimulate blood flow and relax muscles. This treatment can be done on its own or combined with Botox.

6. Mini Dental Implants (Dentures)

Visit our Denture page here for common questions and answers about this treatment plan!

7. Cosmetic Veneers

Looking to restore your smile? Cosmetic veneers are the perfect option for you! Veneers are made of porcelain and create whiter and perfectly aligned teeth!

In addition, our treatment services would not be available without our technology. We utilize soft tissue lasers, laser cavity detection, intraoral cameras, panoramic Xrays, and more. In other words, we seek out further training and newer technology to ensure patients a successful visit.

For more information on our technology or services, click here. To schedule an appointment or ask further questions call us at (423) 282-2844 today. At Westmoreland Dental we promise a relaxed visit and ensure you’ll see the results you desire!

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