In Intraoral Cameras, Our Technology

Dentistry is a medical field that requires exceptional attention to fine details. The mouth is not the largest cavity in the human body. As a result of this, it is often difficult for dentists to reach all the desired places. This is where one of the best dental tools used comes in, the intraoral camera. Here is some background on intraoral cameras proving they’re the best.

What Is An Intraoral Camera?

An intraoral camera is a tool used by dentists to see difficult places in the mouth. The small video camera helps dentists view and magnify oral conditions. The camera takes pictures of the mouth, which are printed and used to diagnose.


The name, intraoral camera, makes the instrument seem as though it would be huge. This is quite the opposite because the camera is no longer than a pen. It’s a small skinny tool with a lens at the end used to take pictures. According to ProDent, the device enlarges images or videos of teeth surfaces, gum conditions, minute tissue detail, and other conditions. The naked eye cannot spot these details.  The use of this tool does not require anesthesia and causes no pain or harm to the patient. All the patients do is sit in the chair like normal. The dentist will use the camera like any other dental tool. It is quick, easy, and harmless.

Benefits of Intraoral Cameras

Imagine having an infected tooth, but you or your dentist cannot see it. The longer the infection manifests and goes undetected, the more harmful the outcome will be. This happens at dentists’ offices who do not use an intraoral camera. The mouth is an awkward space to maneuver, and infections can hide. At Westmoreland Dental Group, we own and operate an intraoral camera all the time. This allows us to diagnose and stop problems from worsening! Also, the images from the camera provide accurate information that contributes to proper treatment. Dr. Westmorelands’ patients receive individualized and specific treatment for their symptoms because of this!

If you are interested in learning more about intraoral cameras, visit Westmoreland Dental Group online here! If you’d like to make an appointment or chat with the doctor, you can reach us at (423) 282-2844 today! Don’t waste time and head over to Westmoreland for precise care!

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