In Lumineers (Cosmetic Veneers)

The appearance of healthy and beautiful teeth is a trait almost everyone aspires to. While regular dental hygiene is essential for maintaining a healthy smile, there are a few ways your dentist can help. Cosmetic dentistry has come a long way in helping people acquire a smile that both looks and feels more appealing. Cosmetic veneers have become an increasingly common procedure for those looking to improve the appearance of their teeth. The result is a complete set of teeth the wearer should feel comfortable wearing and showing.

What Are Cosmetic Veneers?

Essentially, veneers are a shell-like compound made of either porcelain or a resin composite. These are placed over the front of your natural teeth to create a more pleasant appearance. It’s a procedure that works well for teeth that have been stained, misaligned, chipped, or otherwise damaged. By bonding with your natural teeth, they’re able to change the color, shape, and size of each tooth. Your dentist will normally present you with a model of what your teeth will look like before the procedure, allowing you to decide on a smile that suits you specifically. Since they’re made to fit the natural structure of your teeth, you should end up with a smile that looks better and feels comfortable in your mouth.

The Westmoreland Standard

At Westmoreland Dental, we offer LUMINEERS porcelain veneers. They’re as thin as a contact lens and completely painless to apply. Unlike traditional veneers, they can be placed over teeth without needing to remove any existing tooth structure. They’re clinically proven to last more than 20 years and can even be reversed should you decide to have them removed. In as little as two to three visits, Dr. Bo Westmoreland can apply your custom-made smile. Visit us here to learn more about cosmetic dentistry and other services, and book an appointment today to get started on a healthier beautiful smile.

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