In Lumineers (Cosmetic Veneers)

Cosmetic veneers can significantly improve the appearance of your teeth. Here are some of the ways cosmetic veneers can enhance your smile, as well as suggestions for determining whether they may be a good fit for you!

What Are Cosmetic Veneers?

If you feel insecure about the appearance of your teeth, cosmetic veneers may be the perfect solution. These thin tooth coverings can artificially adjust the appearance of your teeth by altering their size, shape, color, or other features. Although dental veneers are primarily intended to provide cosmetic fixes, their ability to hide chipped or otherwise broken teeth, fill in gaps, and fix alignments can also benefit your overall oral health.

Benefits of Cosmetic Veneers

Cosmetic veneers primarily benefit your teeth in visible ways, such as improving the color and shape of your teeth. These adjustments can help to even out your teeth and create a more uniform appearance, which can improve the overall beauty of your smile. These benefits mainly improve the appearance of your teeth, which can boost your overall confidence and self-esteem, but they may also be able to repair small chips, breaks, and other minor damage under certain circumstances.

Am I a Candidate?

Although cosmetic veneers can be an excellent option for the right person, they are not necessarily a good fit for everyone. Your teeth and gums should be in overall good health with no major problems that will be more difficult to reach and treat in the future if your natural teeth are blocked by veneers. This procedure is primarily intended to provide cosmetic benefits and fix minor imperfections, not to solve major dental issues, and having multiple dental problems may mean that cosmetic veneers are not a good option for you.

At Westmoreland Dental Group, we prioritize helping our patients stay informed about the various cosmetic procedures that may be available to them. Contact us today to learn more about whether you may be a good fit for cosmetic veneers or to schedule an appointment!

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