In Dental Hygiene

If you were to survey people randomly on the street and inquire about factors leading to tooth decay, many would likely mention a high-sugar diet and inadequate oral hygiene. While accurate, there are additional lesser-known contributors to cavities and tooth damage individuals aren’t usually aware of. Here are some unexpected factors that could compromise dental health and increase the risk of cavities.

White Wine:

Contrary to common belief that red wine is the main culprit for tooth discoloration, white wine can also harm teeth. The tannins and acids in white wine create a rough surface on teeth, increasing their porousness and susceptibility to cavities. Rinsing your mouth with water after consuming white wine can neutralize its acidity and prevent potential staining.

Teeth Grinding During Sleep When You Are Not Aware:

Clenching and grinding teeth during sleep, often unnoticed, can lead to significant tooth damage. Symptoms may include a sore jaw and a persistent morning headache. While stress can contribute to teeth grinding, misaligned teeth or missing teeth are common underlying causes. Addressing the root issue, such as considering dental implants for missing teeth, is crucial to prevent long-term consequences like tooth fracture and loss.

Excessive Chemical Exposure:

Regular exposure to certain chemicals, such as BPA in canned foods, chlorine, teeth whitening strip chemicals, and certain antibiotics, can damage enamel, cause tooth sensitivity, or stain teeth. While avoiding some exposures is challenging, awareness can help moderate how frequently your teeth come into contact with these chemicals.

For early cavity detection that conventional methods may overlook, consider laser cavity detection. To schedule an appointment, contact us at Westmoreland Dental Group.

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