When experiencing tooth pain in the back of your mouth, it is common to wonder if your wisdom teeth are coming in. Almost everyone has wisdom teeth at some point, with a good number opting for their removal. But while it may seem like a common occurrence, it’s still important to be aware of them and their mysteries. Naturally, you won’t know when your wisdom teeth will strictly come in because everyone is different. Here are some common signs your wisdom teeth are coming in.
Common Signs Your Wisdom Teeth Are Coming In
Knowing what to look for when your wisdom teeth are coming in can help you avoid the pain and other unwanted complications that go with it. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the common signs and symptoms your wisdom teeth are coming in.
Gum Irritation
Gum irritation is one of the first signs your wisdom teeth might be coming in. You will notice the gummy areas covering your teeth become tender and possibly swollen and irritating. You may also have difficulty chewing hard or crunchy foods.
Pain Around The Mouth And Jaw
Some wisdom teeth may grow in blocked or misaligned ways, putting more pressure on the surrounding teeth, jawline, and sinuses. These may result in severe pain, chronic headaches, stiffness, and discomfort. The pain can become even more intense when your wisdom teeth erupt and press on surrounding nerves and bones. Chewing using molars near the wisdom teeth can also become painful and uncomfortable.
Bad Breath
Because your wisdom teeth won’t have enough room to grow, they may start growing sideways and become impacted under the gum. But besides coming to a grinding halt, impacted wisdom teeth also come with an unpleasant symptom; bad breath. Pockets may form around the gums near your wisdom teeth, making them harder to clean. Bacteria may get trapped in these pockets, causing bad breath and other dental complications.
Crowded Feeling In Your Mouth
As wisdom teeth grow, they begin to pressure other encircling teeth and attempt to displace them. Swelling gums and jaw muscles may crowd your mouth even more and interfere with your eating and speaking.
The arrival of your wisdom teeth is usually pretty obvious because of their discomfort. Westmoreland Dental Group can help make the process less uncomfortable. Contact us today for more information about wisdom teeth formation.